43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Wednesday 29 September 2010

introduction project

AS Media Production: Personal Evaluation
The only skills I have used from my initial skills assessment are the manual focus feature which we used when taking photographs for the project. The work Im blogging demonstrates my skills progression because before the course I didn’t know much about the types of shots or things like what ‘visuals’ meant but I have used them in my work.
In my work, I think my main weaknesses are not being able to use photoshop to full advantage at this stage and also not having as many skills as others as I have never done work in media before apart from brief photography which was used for this project aswell as other previous work.
If I were to do this project again, I would choose a better selection of shots to vary the photographs and also use more costumes and props to liven it up. To move towards the standard achieved in professional working practise, I would have to continue to develop my skills and do more research and work to help me progress to a better standard.
Before we re-branded the product, I think it was for a more older-generation audience as it comes from the 1940’s when it was very popular, mainly during the war. However, the new target audience is a younger audience as we aimed the photos at younger people and tried to gain their attention by using slogans and younger models.
I think one element in the project that doesnt work is the fact that the costumes were limited and made the photos look less exciting and had less effect. The project is tailored to meet the demands of the target audience by making the product seem more up-to-date by using an advert which gives the impression that anything is possible but this is done in a fun, comical way and makes it more exciting and less boring.
If I were to make it more interesting, I would use appropriate costumes in the photgraphs and I would also vary the shots a lot more and spend more time on them.
The work demonstrates the understanding of audience segementation by making the advertisement more appealing to a younger audience by using certain things like, models in a younger age group and using comical elements.


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  2. Rachel - can you please include images of previous work that you have produced so that we can clearly identify your skills development over the next year.

    I really like your ad - simple but effective - well done indeed you have made a good start to your skills development unit.

    I think you need to identify some clear tools that you want to master in photoshop over the next year (brush tool, pen tool and so on)


    There are numerous websites you could use to help you locate tutorials to tackle this - check out

    http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorials/Photoshop/1 for one of the best portals.

    Remember any material you produce should be blogged!

    Overal Grade B-
